Based on a survey by the Better Hearing Institute of more than 2,300 consumers, nine out of ten hearing aid users reported an improved quality of life. The National Council on Aging conducted the largest survey of hearing aid and non-hearing aid users with almost 4,000 participants. According to this survey, hearing aids were associated with improvements in the social, emotional, psychological, and physical well being of people with mild to severe hearing loss. The results specifically showed:
- Treating hearing loss improves relationships within the home and family.
- Using hearing instruments helped reduce anger, frustration, paranoia, and anxiety.
- Most people using hearing instruments had an improvement in their social live
- People using hearing aids reported better overall health than those hard of hearing who were not using any hearing instruments.
- Treating hearing loss is associated with physical emotional, mental, and social well being. Untreated hearing loss in older people can be harmful.
It is beneficial and highly recommended to have your hearing evaluated annually. We know the importance of having your hearing checked once a year, and so Beltone offers complimentary hearing evaluations. The evaluations include a video ear scan, a comprehensive audiometric hearing test, and a Personalized Hearing Health Assessment. Valued at $275, these services are offered at no cost to you.